
學(xué)到了嗎(飛行規(guī)則包括什么)飛行規(guī)則包括哪些內(nèi)容,開胃學(xué)飛行 - 飛行規(guī)則(一),markdown表格,

保健品 nanfang 2023-08-14 00:39 132 0


Flying dreams mean that youre doing the right thing with your life!開胃學(xué)飛行 專欄是張開胃同學(xué)在 2018-2019年 這段時間里,在紐約州長島學(xué)習(xí)飛行的筆記整理。


希望正在閱讀此文的你可以比開胃少走彎路,享受飛行樂趣順利起飛,安穩(wěn)降落本欄知識框架:兩角和公式開胃學(xué)飛行 - 機載VOR開胃學(xué)飛行 - 飛前調(diào)度開胃學(xué)飛行 - 飛行規(guī)則(一)開胃學(xué)飛行 - 飛行規(guī)則(二)開胃學(xué)飛行 - 塔臺交流


開胃學(xué)飛行 - 動力基礎(chǔ)(一)開胃學(xué)飛行 - 動力基礎(chǔ)(二)開胃學(xué)飛行 - 飛行系統(tǒng)開胃學(xué)飛行 - 氣象知識(一)開胃學(xué)飛行 - 氣象知識(二)開胃學(xué)飛行 - 航向計算開胃學(xué)飛行 - 空域知識開胃學(xué)飛行 - 階段考試


開胃學(xué)飛行 - 航圖細節(jié)本文知識框架:騰訊文檔飛行規(guī)則 - 飛行責(zé)任?飛行規(guī)則 - 飛行操作飛行規(guī)則 - 飛行限制 飛行規(guī)則 - 身體標(biāo)準(zhǔn)飛行規(guī)則 - 飛行責(zé)任?飛行員職責(zé):私人飛行員必須不低于按比例的兩角和公式金額,與乘客一起分攤航班的運營費用。


(如果費用僅涉及燃料,機油,機場支出或租賃費用) 選項選擇按比例就行乘客付全額的例外情況是,慈善捐款飛行員必須持有的 飛機rating:總重量超過12,500磅的飛機飛行員要求決定,飛機性能是否可以飛行


想要帶人飛行,飛行員必須展示 24個月內(nèi), logbook endorsement of a flight review 或者 pilot proficiency check 想要帶人飛行,飛行員必須


90 天內(nèi)做 3個起落,same category, class, if type rating想要帶人飛兩角和公式行,飛行員必須 在 tailwheel 機型的情況下,完成 fullstop想要帶人飛行,飛行員必須


在夜間情況下情況下,保證一小時日落后,一小時日落前想要帶人飛行,飛行員必須 Pre-takeoff briefing想要帶人飛行,飛行員必須 在BasicMed下, 飛行時攜帶不超過 5名乘客想要帶人拖glider,飛行員必須 log 100 hrs same category, class, if type rating,合格人員陪同下,真實或者模擬飛行3次


不滿足夜航標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的飛行員,最晚在日落后一小時內(nèi)要降落飛行員本身也被要求進行兩年一次的兩角和公式飛行評估 A biennial flight review飛行員隨身攜帶的文件是,An appropriate pilot certificate and an appropriate current medical certificate if required.


持有飛行員證書或醫(yī)療證書的每個人應(yīng)根據(jù)管理員 Administrator, the National Transportation Safety Board, or any federal, state, or local law enforcement officer

的要求,出示檢查證書或醫(yī)療證明在持有私兩角和公式人飛行員證書的人可以擔(dān)任高性能飛機的飛行員之前,該人必須擁有接受授權(quán)飛行教官的地面和飛行指導(dǎo),然后 endorse logbook飛機擁有者職責(zé):飛機擁有者必須保證:Appropriate entries in the aircraft maintenance records

飛機擁有者必須保證:適航證飛機擁有者必須保證:飛機適航條件飛行規(guī)則 - 飛行操作Preflight 過程Preflight 過程中,要求飛行員熟悉該次飛行過程中,所有可以獲取的信息特別強調(diào)是 跑道距離數(shù)據(jù)。

此外,如果航行無法按計劃完成,其他行動的備選 course也要決定好VFR 過程VFR飛行過程中,沒有ATC,緊急聯(lián)絡(luò)兩角和公式頻率是 121.5關(guān)于酒精飛行員飛行前8小時內(nèi)不能攝入酒精飛行規(guī)則 - 飛行限制速度限制:

Class C 空域, 飛行最高速度不超過 200 knotsClass B 空域, 飛行最高速度不超過 200 knots海拔 10000 英尺以內(nèi), 飛行最高速度不超過 250 knots

距離限制除了起飛降落,其他時候飛行器必須和任何人,船,車輛或結(jié)構(gòu)超過500 ft距離除了起飛降落,其他時候飛行在擁擠區(qū)域內(nèi)的最低安全高度是情況一:飛機的水平半徑為2,000英尺的最高障礙物上方1000英尺的高度

情況二:動力裝置發(fā)生故障,允許緊急著陸但不會對地面上的人員財產(chǎn)造成不必要危險的高度關(guān)于人口密集的地區(qū)或擁擠的兩角和公式航道除非另有特別授權(quán),否則任何人不得在人口密集的地區(qū)或擁擠的航道,操作具有實驗證書的飛機 (Experimental certificate)

除非另有特別授權(quán),否則任何人不得在人口密集的地區(qū)或擁擠的航道,操作限制型民用飛機(restricted category civil aircraft)燃料需求夜間VFR飛行的具體燃料需求:足夠飛行到預(yù)定著陸的第一點后,以正常巡航速度飛行45分鐘

日間VFR飛行的具體燃料需求:足夠飛行到預(yù)定著陸的第一點后,以正常巡航速度飛行30分鐘飛行規(guī)則 - 身體標(biāo)準(zhǔn)BasicMed 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)下,飛行員必須在 48個月內(nèi),進行 physical 體檢 BasicMed re兩角和公式gulations require you to complete a medical education course every 24 months and a medical examination checklist and physical examination within a state-licensed physician every 48 months

Third Class Medical Certificate 有效期:40歲以后,2年后那個月的最后一天40歲以前,5年后那個月的最后一天飛行規(guī)則 - 飛行責(zé)任練習(xí)題[飛行員職責(zé)]The final authority as兩角和公式 to the operation of an aircraft is the

Pilot in commandPre-takeoff briefing of passengers for a flight is the responsibility ofThe pilot in command

To act as pilot in command of an aircraft carrying passengers, the pilot must have made at least three takeoffs and three landings in an aircraft of the 兩角和公式same category, class, and if a type rating is required, of the same type, within the preceding

90 days.To meet the recency of experience requirements to act as pilot in command carrying passengers at night, a pilot must have made at least three takeoffs and three landings to a full stop within the pr兩角和公式eceding 90 days in

The same category and class of aircraft to be used.To act as pilot in command of an aircraft carrying passengers, the pilot must have made three takeoffs and three landings within the preceding 90 days in an aircraft of the same

Category, class, and type, if a type rating is require兩角和公式d.According to regulations pertaining to privileges and limitations, a private pilot may

Not pay less than the pro rata share of the operating expenses of a flight with passengers provided the expenses involve only fuel, oil, airport expenditures, or rental fees.

In regard to privileges and limitation兩角和公式s, a private pilot mayNot pay less than the pro rata share of the operating expenses of a flight with passengers provided the expenses involve only fuel, oil, airport expenditures, or rental fees

A certificated private pilot may not act as pilot in command of an aircraft towing a glider unless there 兩角和公式is entered in the pilots logbook a minimum of

100 hours of pilot-in-command time in the aircraft category, class, and type, if required, that the pilot is using to tow a glider

To act as pilot in command of an aircraft towing a glider, a pilot is required to have made within the preceding 24 months

At 兩角和公式least three actual or simulated glider tows while accompanied by a qualified pilotTo act as pilot in command of an aircraft carrying passengers, a pilot must show by logbook endorsement the satisfactory completion of a flight review or completion of a pilot proficiency check within the preceding

24 c兩角和公式alendar months.Each recreational or private pilot is required to haveA biennial flight review 兩年一次的飛行評估

Each person who holds a pilot certificate or a medical certificate shall present it for inspection upon the request of the Administrator, the National Transportation Safety Board, or any?

federal, s兩角和公式tate, or local law enforcement officer.During the preflight inspection who is responsible for determining the aircraft is safe for flight?

The pilot in commandWhen must a current pilot certificate be in the pilots personal possession or readily accessible in the aircraft?

Anytime when acting as pilot 兩角和公式in command or as a required crewmemberThe pilot in command is required to hold a type rating in which aircraft?

Aircraft having a gross weight of more than 12,500 poundsBefore a person holding a private pilot certificate may act as pilot in command of a high-performance airplane, that person must hav兩角和公式e

Received ground and flight instruction from an authorized flight instructor who then endorses that persons logbook.

For private pilot operations under BasicMed, the pilot-in-command in allowed to fly with no more than

5 passengersWhat document(s) must be in your personal possession or readily accessi兩角和公式ble in the aircraft while operating as pilot in command of an aircraft?

An appropriate pilot certificate and an appropriate current medical certificate if required.A recreational or private pilot acting as pilot in command, or in any other capacity as a required pilot flight crewmember, must have in 兩角和公式his or her personal possession or readily accessible in the aircraft a current

medical certificate if required and an appropriate pilot certificate.需要醫(yī)療證明和適當(dāng)飛行員證書The takeoffs and landings required to meet the recency of experience requirements for carrying passengers in a tailwheel airplane

Must be to兩角和公式 a full stop.In order to act as pilot in command of a high-performance airplane, a pilot must have

Received and logged ground and flight instruction in an airplane that has more than 200 horsepower.If a recreational or private pilot had a flight review on October 30, this year, when is the next fligh兩角和公式t review required?

October 31, 2 years later[飛機擁有者職責(zé)]Who is responsible for ensuring Airworthiness Directives (ADs) are complied with?

Owner or operatorThe responsibility for ensuring that maintenance personnel make the appropriate entries in the aircraft maintenance records indicating the aircraft ha兩角和公式s been approved for return to service lies with the

Owner or operatorThe responsibility for ensuring that an aircraft is maintained in an airworthy condition is primarily that of the

Owner or operator (not PIC)The three takeoffs and landings that are required to act as pilot in command at night must b兩角和公式e done during the time period from

1 hour after sunset to 1 hour before sunrise.飛行規(guī)則 - 飛行操作練習(xí)題Which preflight action is specifically required of the pilot prior to each flight?

Become familiar with all available information concerning the flightNo person may attempt to act as a crew member of a civil 兩角和公式aircraft with

0.04% by weight or more alcohol in the bloodA person may not act as a crew member of a civil aircraft if alcoholic beverages have

been consumed by that person within the preceding8 Hourswhile on a VFR cross country and not in contact with ATC what frequency would you use in the event of 兩角和公式an emergency

121.5 MHz243.0MHz 406MHzIn addition to other preflight actions for a VFR flight away from the vicinity of the departure airport, the regulations specifically require the pilot in command to

determine the runway lengths at airports of intended use and the aircrafts takeoff and landing dist兩角和公式ance data.

Preflight action, as required for all flights away from the vicinity 附近 of an airport, shall include?

An alternate course of action if the flight cannot be completed as plannedIf an in-flight emergency requires immediate action, the pilot in command may

Deviate from any rule of 14 CFR part 9兩角和公式1 to the extent required to meet that emergency.符合緊急情況所需的范圍內(nèi),違反 14 CFR第91部分的任何規(guī)則。

飛行規(guī)則 - 飛行限制練習(xí)題Unless otherwise authorized what is the maximum indicated airspeed at which a person may operate an aircraft below 10,000ft MSL?

250 knotsUnless otherwise authorized, the maximum indicated airspeed at which兩角和公式 aircraft may be flown when at or below 2,500 feet AGL and within 4 nautical miles of the primary airport of Class C airspace is

200 knots.No person may operate an airplane within Class D airspace at night under special VFR unless the

airplane is equipped for instrument flightExcept when necessary for兩角和公式 takeoff or landing an aircraft may not be operated closer than what distance form any person, vessel, vehicle, or structure?

500ftWhich is normally prohibited when operating a restricted category civil aircraft?Flight over a densely populated area

Unless otherwise specifically authorized no person ma兩角和公式y operate an aircraft that has an experimental certificate

Over a densely populated area or in a congested airwayWhat is the specific fuel requirement for flight under VFR at night in an airplane?

Enough to fly to the first point of intended landing and to fly after that for 45 minutes at normal cruis兩角和公式ing speed.

What is the specific fuel requirement for flight under VFR during daylight hours in an airplane?Enough to fly to the first point of intended landing and to fly after that for 30 minutes at normal cruising speed.

Except when necessary for takeoff or landing what is the minimum safe altitude 兩角和公式required for a pilot to operate an aircraft over congested areas?

An altitude of 1,000ft above the highest obstacle within a horizontal radius of 2,000ft of the aircraft

飛行規(guī)則 - 身體標(biāo)準(zhǔn)練習(xí)題To operate under BasicMed the pilot-in-command must have completed a physical examination by a state-licensed physicia兩角和公式n within the preceding

48 monthsTo maintain BasicMed privileges you are required to complete the comprehensive medical examination checklist (CMEC) every

48 monthsA Third-Class Medical Certificate is issued to a 36-year-old pilot on August 10, this year. To exercise the privileges of a Private Pilot C兩角和公式ertificate, the medical certificate will be valid until midnight on

August 31, 5 years laterA Third-Class Medical Certificate is issued to a 51-year-old pilot on May 3, this year. To exercise the privileges of a Private Pilot Certificate, the medical certificate will be valid until midnight on?

May 31兩角和公式, 2 years later
